Artist Starter Kit

Don’t forget to check out all the amazing resources in MassArt’s Career Development Department. They have resources to help you write your resume, develop your portfolio, ace the interview, and more!

Here are a few favorite resources to get you started after graduating.

Artist Statements

Follow these guides to write your perfect artist statement:

Taxes for Artists

Getting Paid

  • Graphic Artists Guild Handbook : Pricing & Ethical Guidelines – This book has everything you need to know about NDA’s, contracts, pricing your artwork. It is geared towards graphic artists, but the information can be applied to artists in any field.
  • Litebox – Commercial Artist Advocacy site – This website has a rate finder that shares who commissioned the artist, the rate paid, the assignment info, if they were paid, and if it was within 30 days. There is also a tab that has resources.

Continued Learning

  • Asset for Artists Professional Development Workshops – Asset for Artists offers free online, pre-recorded, and in-person professional development workshops for artists on a wide array of topics.

Essential Newsletters

These newsletters list artist opportunities, grants, jobs, housing, residencies, calls for art, and more. Sign up for them ASAP if you’re staying in the Boston area.

Other Resources