
Required Courses for SIM Majors Only

MPSM276 (soph), MPSM376 (jnr), MPSM476 (sen) Studio for Interrelated Media Major Studio
THUR 1:30 – 6:20 pm C. Bi, E. Buckholtz,
N. Sturiale, T. Yamamoto
This is a studio class in which individuals and groups present and discuss work in media of their choice such as audio, video, computer, performance, publishing, and production of events that interrelate media. Each week, student presentations of work are organized into performances, discussions, workshops, and exhibitions produced by students who select, schedule and technically support the presentation. This course repeats every semester and is required for all SIM Majors.  It is not available to non SIM Majors.

Every Semester SIM offers a variety of Open Electives that are open to any MassArt student from any department. See below for the current offerings.

FA25 Courses

MPSM-272 Sound Performance and Ensemble
MON 9:00 am – 12:50 pm E. Buckholtz
This course is an intensive laboratory for live performance, collaboration, and sonic experimentation. Designed for musicians and sound artists, it challenges students to explore unorthodox relationships between performer and audience, experiment with new aspects of their personal practice, and expand their approach to live sound. Live performances ranging from improvisations and ensemble experiments to structured compositions and conceptual performance pieces are encouraged. The course incorporates songwriting, scoring, site-specific and installation-based works, and other exploratory formats that push the boundaries of traditional musical and performance practices.Through regular feedback, group exercises, and exposure to experimental performance methodologies, students develop a deeper understanding of their artistic voice while engaging with the dynamic intersection of sound, space, and audience perception.

MPSM-402 Art, Life and Money
MON 9:00 am – 12:50 pm   Crystal Bi
This course is targeted towards soon-to-graduate art students who are thinking about the practicalities of continuing life as an independent artist after college. Throughout the semester students will meet MassArt Alum as well as others pursuing unconventional artistic paths. Through discussion, presentations and field trips, issues surrounding the realistic struggles of maintaining life as an independent artist alongside the celebration of such a choice will be explored. The course will attempt to demystify copyright law, basic finance skills, resilience strategies, and professional networking. Students will interview artists as well as explore methods for balancing art, life and money after school. Students will also practice writing their artist statement and resume, giving an artist talk, and creating a personal five year plan.

MPSM-369 Investigations in Light
MON 1:30 – 6:20 pm E. Buckholtz
This course explores light as a versatile and powerful medium in artistic practice. Students investigate light’s physical properties, its emotional and symbolic qualities, and its impact on perception and space. Emphasizing experimentation, this course encourages students to work across multiple mediums, integrating daylight, artificial light, projection, and interactive elements.Through hands-on projects, readings, and discussions, students engage with light as a sculptural, spatial, and performative medium, exploring how artists have used light in installation, performance, photography, film, and digital media. Students develop their own projects that push the boundaries of light-based experimentation.

MPSM-273 Intro to Sound Studio
TUE  1:30 – 6:20 pm  E. Freeman
Students study principles of electroacoustic and digital sound processing, including audio recording, editing, mixing, and signal processing techniques. Students are required to present “live” or recorded sound pieces. Sound studio includes analog and digital synthesis, analog and digital recording and editing systems, signal processors. Weekly assignments. No prerequisite. (fall term only)

MPSM-216  Performance Art Fundamentals
TUE 1:30 – 6:20 pm  T. Yamamoto
This course will explore, physically and intellectually, a wide range of performance practices. We will collectively practice strategies, forms, and methods of making and performing while developing awareness for performers’ bodies, audience, environment (site), and nature of time. Students will be introduced to various different types of performance practices including, but not limited to mundane actions, rituals, body art, social choreography, narrative, conceptual/experimental performance, dance, theatre, durational art, and so on. In addition, students will gain a greater understanding of the legacy of this ever-revolving art form by observing historical precedents and contemporary approaches to performance.

MPSM-211 Interrelated Media Practice
TUE 1:30 – 6:20 pm C. Bi
This course is centered around explorations of you as an interrelated media artist with a special focus on space/place and creative interventionism. This course aims to deepen our intentionality in considering place and viewers when creating artwork. How can we – as artists – deeply observe the current conditions of a place and intervene in spaces to produce new, more desirable outcomes and futures? We will explore these themes through a series of group/individual projects, observations, artist talks, and site visits. This is an introductory critique studio course where students produce and present interrelated media artworks in progress and in final form in order to expand their artistic practice, interact with artists from other disciplines, and refine public speaking skills. Great option for non-SIM majors to explore interdisciplinary art practice.

MPSM-337 Electronic Projects for Artists I
WED 9:00 am – 12:50   D. Svoronos
The purpose of this studio course is to provide skills and information that will be useful for artists who use electrical devices in their artworks. Examples will be shown to help students in incorporating/integrating electrical circuits and sensors in a variety of media including sculpture, installation and performance. This intro course covers AC/DC electrical current and how to work with it safely. We show how to use components like breadboards, resistors, capacitors and transistors, Integrated Circuits, read schematics and build electrical circuits. The ultimate goal is for artists to incorporate this knowledge in the production of projects of their own design.

MPSM-205 Stagecraft and Technical Production
WED 3:00 – 7:50pm Max Azanow
This course aims to demystify basic lighting, rigging, sound and staging practices. Technical workshops will be conducted during class time where students work in teams to complete assignments. Demonstrations and lectures also include site planning, power distribution, and safety in the workspace. For credit the students will prepare and present their own personal projects using the class as crew and SIM’s technology.

MPSM-221 Interdisciplinary Video
WED 3:00 – 7:50 pm  A. Flackett
This is a studio course in which students learn the basics of video production – from shooting to editing to the use of effects and finally publishing/screening final works. The class explores the inclusion of video in installations, live performance, and other experimental applications. The contemporary practice of video production is presented within the historical context of the moving image from silent films up to the modern YouTube era. Additionally, introductory video mapping technologies and video sound techniques are presented. The course combines lectures, demonstrations, workshops and a variety of short assignments.

MPSM-336 Event Planning and Production
THUR 9:00 am – 12:50 pm  N. Sturiale
This is the fall segment of a year-long course designed for those that are actively involved in organizing and producing ambitious events and exhibitions throughout the year. Open to any MassArt student that is actively producing on or off campus events. Required for Eventworks producers and Godine Family Gallery Managers. Registration is by permission of instructor.

MPSM413 Interrelated Media Independent Projects
This course is designed for advanced students that have an inter and/or omni-disciplinary and independent practice and would benefit from individualized instruction and guidance based on their specific needs. Students may be working with a combination of text, live events, movement, conceptual art, sound, objects and installation. These students may be developing a senior thesis, preparing for an ambitious review board, producing an installation or event outside of any formal curriculum, or working on a project that does not align with the academic schedule. The course includes a rigorous structure that includes expected deliverables and milestones (e.g. illustrated project proposal document, reading responses, artist statements and documentation.) Students are expected to present their in progress and final projects in a Pecha Kucha style presentation either in person or in video form. This course is slightly different from the SIM Independent Study (MPSM399) option as it provides more direct guidance alongside the peer review components of being part of a cohort, each pursuing independent projects during the same time period. This is also an excellent opportunity for students to study closely with visiting faculty that are not able to offer independent studies. By permission of instructor. Prerequisite: Interrelated Media Practice.

SP25 Courses

MPSM-368 Publication and Performance
MON 9:00 am-12:50 pm C. Bi  & T. Yamamoto
This class provides a collaborative studio environment in which we investigate the connection between physical movement and publishing practices. We examine techniques in performance as a method for generating content for publication and as an approach to disseminate a story out to the public. Students experiment with different forms of self-publication in both the digital and analog spheres. At the same time, various approaches to movement and performance are introduced to inspire written reflections, mark-making, and visual mapping.

MPSM-311 Electronic Project For Artists 2 – Programming
MON 1:30-6:20 pm   D. Moser 
This course introduces students to computer interfaces for connecting interactive sculpture, performance and installation with software. Course content includes micro-controllers, electrical sensors, custom-made circuits and programming. No previous programming experience is necessary. Pre-req: MPSM337 suggested, but none required.

MPSM-365 Activism and Socially Engaged Art
TUE 1:30 – 6:20 pm  C. Bi
Socially engaged art nurtures the relationship between artist and audience, a relationship that itself becomes the artwork. Our classes will create space to practice common methods of community engaged art. Students may develop their personal ethics/value system for collaborations with community as part of their artistic practice. Students are given the tools to develop a grant proposal for a socially engaged project that could be used in public art grant applications.

MPSM-389 Art and Network Interactivity
TUE 1:30 – 6:20 pm D. Moser
This course is an introduction to interactivity over networks (e.g. Local Area Networks, the Internet) using small programmable devices. Such devices (which include Arduino microcontrollers, Adafruit Feather Boards and Raspberry Pi computers) are used in the creation of “Smart” objects and the technological development commonly referred to as “The Internet of Things.”

MPSM-410 Immersive Experience Design 
TUE 1:30-6:20 pm   E. Freeman 
This course cultivates students’ ability to create immersive multi-sensory experiences through the lens of play, story-telling and world building. It explores the potential power innate in each of our senses and provides a framework upon which immersive artistic environments can be envisioned. The course presents examples of contemporary and historical immersive experience design as well as introduces interactivity, virtual and augmented reality technologies. Students are invited to do their own research, design and modeling of original immersive experience designs. The course prioritizes an experimental approach to the discipline and emphasizes the connections between the real and the virtual.

MPSM-211 Interrelated Media Practice
WED 9:00 am – 12:50 pm E. Buckholtz
This is an introductory critique studio course where students produce and present interrelated media artworks in progress and in final form in order to expand their artistic practice, interact with artists from other disciplines, and refine public speaking skills. Great option for non-SIM majors to explore interdisciplinary art practice.

MPSM-204 Light Lab
WED 3:00 – 7:50 pm   M. Azanow
This is a hands on course in which students will use lighting, dimming, and control units ranging from antiques to the newest L.E.D. fixtures available. Students will gain experience in safe working practices installing lighting systems that illuminate events, performers and objects. This course is a must for sculptors, moving image-makers, stop-motion animators, performers and producers – or anyone that needs to light their artwork.

MPSM-207 Beat Research
WED 3:00-7:50 pm  A. Flackett
This is a studio course about electronic music and culture. Students explore the techniques of sampling, sequencing and drum programming using current music making software including Ableton Live. Most assignments involve the creation of music/sound but we also address techniques of video production and performance.

MPSM-409 Mining Meaning
WED 3:00 – 7:50 pm  E. Buckholtz
This class focuses on the development of artistic practice and individualized research through multiple lenses. During the course, students are expected to create project based works through multi-faceted approaches to research. The course examines Practice-based Research which is a form of research that aims to advance knowledge partly by means of practice. Discussion, in-depth reading and written analysis regarding contemporary issues in art are a fundamental component of the course.

MPSM-317 Event Planning and Production
THUR 9:00 am-12:50 pm  N. Sturiale
This is the spring segment of a year-long course designed for those that are actively involved in organizing and producing ambitious events and exhibitions throughout the year. Open to any student that is actively producing on or off campus events. Required for Eventworks producers and Godine Family Gallery Managers. Registration is by permission of instructor. 

First Year Drawing 2 Requirement – if there are seats available in this course after the First Year Students register, then SIM Majors are welcome to register for it.

MPSM226 Performative Drawing
WED 9:00 am-12:50 pm T. Yamamoto
The act of drawing has historically been linked with performance, and in some cases can be considered a performative action itself. Students are introduced to “drawing” practices that document the physical action and process, act as a visual score for performance, and extend the concept of the line into three and four dimensions into the space.

FA24 Courses

MPSM-337 Electronic Projects for Artists I
MON 1:30 – 6:30 pm   D. Moser
The purpose of this studio course is to provide skills and information that will be useful for artists who use electrical devices in their artworks. Examples will be shown to help students in incorporating/integrating electrical circuits and sensors in a variety of media including sculpture, installation and performance. This intro course covers AC/DC electrical current and how to work with it safely. We show how to use components like breadboards, resistors, capacitors and transistors, Integrated Circuits, read schematics and build electrical circuits. The ultimate goal is for artists to incorporate this knowledge in the production of projects of their own design.

MPSM367 Dream Club Lab
1:30 – 6:30 pm E. Buckholtz
Dream Club Lab spans the disciplines of Experiential Art and Design, Speculative Design, and Art Installation. Experiential design creates activations that live in the real world by participation through orchestrated experiences. Speculative design is concerned with future proposals and challenging our assumptions about the everyday. This course offers a data base of international artists and collectives such as Assemble Studio, Ruangrupa, Black Speculative Art, Future Farmers, teamLab, to choose from to present your own research in creative presentational formats. Your research will provide the foundation to conceptualize and develop your own projects in collaborative groups and to gain skills in creating ground plans, renderings, 3D models, and prototypes that will become experiential investigations, installations, and performative public art interventions in spaces both on and off campus. Presentations, planning and design sessions; visitations, investigations, and adventures await you in The Dream Club Lab. This class is a good preparation for Immersive Art.

MPSM320 Projects in Sound
TUE 9:00 am – 12:50 pm E. Buckholtz
A seminar for advanced students who wish to pursue independent sound projects. Projects may include “live” sound presentations, recorded sound works, a complete audio CD, sculptural sound art, digitally controlled sound art, public sound art, environmental sound art, and sound installation. Students are required to present their work in progress for critique, and to complete a final sound project. Additional class activities may include a field trip, guest speakers, and gallery visits. A prerequisite of Intro to Sound Studio (MPSM 273) is required, or by special arrangement with the instructor.

MPSM-402 Art, Life and Money
TUE 9:00 am – 12:50 pm   Crystal Bi
This course is targeted towards soon-to-graduate art students who are thinking about the practicalities of continuing life as an independent artist after college. Throughout the semester students will meet MassArt Alum as well as others pursuing unconventional artistic paths. Through discussion, presentations and field trips, issues surrounding the realistic struggles of maintaining life as an independent artist alongside the celebration of such a choice will be explored. The course will attempt to demystify copyright law, basic finance skills, resilience strategies, and professional networking. Students will interview artists as well as explore methods for balancing art, life and money after school. Students will also practice writing their artist statement and resume, giving an artist talk, and creating a personal five year plan.

MPSM-273 Intro to Sound Studio
TUE  1:30 – 6:30 pm  E. Freeman
Students study principles of electroacoustic and digital sound processing, including audio recording, editing, mixing, and signal processing techniques. Students are required to present “live” or recorded sound pieces. Sound studio includes analog and digital synthesis, analog and digital recording and editing systems, signal processors. Weekly assignments. No prerequisite. (fall term only)

MPSM-211 Interrelated Media Practice
WED 9:00 am – 12:50 pm C. Bi
This course is centered around explorations of you as an interrelated media artist with a special focus on space/place and creative interventionism. This course aims to deepen our intentionality in considering place and viewers when creating artwork. How can we – as artists – deeply observe the current conditions of a place and intervene in spaces to produce new, more desirable outcomes and futures? We will explore these themes through a series of group/individual projects, observations, artist talks, and site visits. This is an introductory critique studio course where students produce and present interrelated media artworks in progress and in final form in order to expand their artistic practice, interact with artists from other disciplines, and refine public speaking skills. Great option for non-SIM majors to explore interdisciplinary art practice.

MPSM-377 Choreography & Performance
9:00 am-12:50 pm T. Yamamoto
This course will focus on students’ developing their own performance pieces while introducing improvisational practices and several time/spatial-based compositional structures and tactics to enhance the development of students’ performance works. Considering the expanded notion of choreography, students are encouraged to create not only dance and movement pieces, but also performance art, live site-specific works, spoken word, sound art, or music that involve the use of the body and action in space and time. The emphasis will be on developing an individual voice, conceptual clarity, and how to utilize the flow of time and possibility of space fully and effectively.

MPSM-221 Interdisciplinary Video
WED 3:00 – 8:00 pm  A. Flackett
This is a studio course in which students learn the basics of video production – from shooting to editing to the use of effects and finally publishing/screening final works. The class explores the inclusion of video in installations, live performance, and other experimental applications. The contemporary practice of video production is presented within the historical context of the moving image from silent films up to the modern Youtube era. Additionally, introductory video mapping technologies and video sound techniques are presented. The course combines lectures, demonstrations, workshops, visiting artists, and both collaborative and individual assignments.

MPSM-205 Stagecraft and Technical Production
WED 3:00 – 7:50pm Max Azanow
This course aims to demystify basic lighting, rigging, sound and staging practices. Technical workshops will be conducted during class time where students work in teams to complete assignments. Demonstrations and lectures also include site planning, power distribution, and safety in the workspace. For credit the students will prepare and present their own personal projects using the class as crew and SIM’s technology.

MPSM-336 Event Planning and Production
THUR 9:00 am-1:00 pm  N. Sturiale
This is the fall segment of a year-long course designed for those that are actively involved in organizing and producing ambitious events and exhibitions throughout the year. Open to any MassArt student that is actively producing on or off campus events. Required for Eventworks producers and Godine Family Gallery Managers. Registration is by permission of instructor. 

Questions?  email

Studio for Interrelated Media 2024-2025